- Jun. 1997
- Start of Nitride Semiconductor Laboratory in Tokushima University.
- Apr. 2000
- Establishment of Nitride Semiconductors Co., Ltd.
- Apr. 2001
- Completion of the head office and factory.
- Jul. 2009
- "NS375L-ERLM" gets the prize "Semiconductors of the year 2009".
- Jun. 2010
- Announce of UV+RGB WHITE LED.
- Nov. 2010
- Get the collaboration for production award from the Daily Industrial Newspaper Company.
- Mar. 2013
- Reduced the capital to 100 million yen and canceled an accumulated deficit.
- Nov. 2018
- Establishment of Micro Nitride Co., Ltd. as a wholly owned subsidiary.
- Jun. 2019
- "UV LED Chip for micro LED display" gets the prize "Semiconductors of the year 2019".

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